Stop yelling Mr

Morning came in a flash and both new brothers set out to the shop. They both planned to enroll the next day since a new semester resumes in two weeks.

" Yo Jay when do you plan on enrolling coz I ain't gat a lot of time on my hands coz imma leave in a month time" Khalid said playfully using another tone. Following Khalid's lead Jared said "We gone do it tomorrow coz pop at home, we got open the store then pop gone join we niggas at the store" Jared replied with a bit husky voice, then they both laughed about it. After eating breakfast Khalid left sticky notes on the table and on the refrigerator then they left the house.

Michael had a good rest with what happened last night. Immediately he woke up, he called on both children "Jared! Khalid!" he kept on calling both of them, entering into their rooms and meeting empty arranged beds. As he got to the dinning table, he saw the sticky notes on the table and read it "Good morning dad, since your awake, take your bath and brush your teeth then eat" after reading this, Michael threw the sticky note in the bin and rolled his eyes then he smiled remembering when Khalid was little and he would waste all the sticky notes he had at home writing irrelevant things and pasting them on his(Michael) wardrobe, he also remembered when he(Khalid) was in his teens and he would put sticky notes on all his books with motivations on them, the nostalgic feeling was what put a smile on his face.

After taking his bath, Michael came down to find something to make for himself. Then he saw another sticky note on the refrigerator saying " Don't bother cooking, we made food already, open the fridge and take out the food on the second layer. Make sure to heat it in the microwave before eating" Michael just shook his head and did as he was told. After eating, he saw another sticky note on the cupboard by the sink saying " Don't come to the store I and Jare got it for you ;-) " Michael turned the paper upside down to look at the weird looking drawing properly, he stared at it for over 3 minutes before understanding that his Son was winking on the paper, he started laughing and said " Children of nowadays do such weird stuffs that the older ones can't understand ". Immediately he went back to his room and started cleaning it up.

At the store, Jared was showing Khalid everything and its prices before properly opening the store. Khalid told Jared to stay at the counter and he will look around the store and help out the customers. Minutes later the store was officially open, everything was going well until half an hour till the store was closed. Both brothers heard a loud scream outside and immediately rushed out, fortunately at the time there was nobody was in the store. They ran out and saw a lady bending in front of a car with her head in between her legs and her arms over her head. Moving towards her, they heard her crying and also heard the voice of the driver who was yelling and raining curses on the lady he almost hit " You stupid b*tch get out of the way so that I can pass" he paused for a second before saying again "You motherf*cking woman leave the road before I take you to your f*cking grave like the bitch you are" he came out of his car and said "Lady if your mentally unstable please go to the f*cking psychological hospital and stop walking on the f*cking car. the next time will be your death now get the f*ck out" he said dragging her away from his car.

While all this was going on, Khalid, Jared and other passerby's stood to watch the scene the man was creating in all his stupidity. As the brothers saw him dragging her, they quickly intervened, Jared pulled the man back and Khalid helped the girl lifting her gently and taking her to the side where she won't be injured or hit. As he turned he saw the man still babbling rubbish, then he said calmly " Sir, with all due respect I would like it if you stop shouting and take your leave, there's no need for causing such an unnecessary scene here, I believe were adults and we should handle matters as adults" Immediately the man said "Me! Causing a scene! Why don't you stop saying useless things and start watching over your store, soon this mad woman will evade your shop and take what she sees". With the anger in him he said still trying to control his anger"Sir your not welcome here please get out". As the man was about to talk Khalid noticed the heavy cigarette smell oozing from his mouth. immediately he covered his nose and said " Please before you talk to me wash your mouth thoroughly " then he left and took the girl into the shop. He didn't have a clear view of her face since her hair covered it.

After hours and hours of petting her, she asked for the toilet. As she entered she washed her face and came out with bloodshot puffy eyes and a swollen face. When she got back into the store Khalid saw her beautiful face. She had the face of an angel, an angel which he has never seen. "Thank you so much for helping me. I think I should leave now. Bye" she said shyly. Khalid called her back and asked her if he could give her a ride but she rejected his offer "Thank you but I can go on my own". Not wanting to put pressure on her he said " OK, but are you sure you can go on your own?" She said standing straight and trying to look ok and normal but Khalid noticed the fear behind those tender hazelnut eyes but he had no choice but to let her go