Amusement park and a surprise

In Sky City, there were a lot of vehicles that were flying forward and backwards. It was bustling with activity. In the distance could be seen a huge flower-like building. A triangular shaped machine was approaching it.

Five pairs of eyes were fixed on a 3D model of the building. " oh. I never thought that it was so enormous ", mumbed Ashlyn, while her gaze was focused. " Well in which sector shall we go to play first ? ", impatiently asked Leander. " Let's check their information out. I can see that you're so impatient, that you can't even stay still ", answered Dev, while glancing at him with an ironic glance. The other lad glared at him, as if to say ' aren't you too?'. But he didn't pay attention to it, and tapped on the projection of the 3D structure. The flower slowly opened, showing three petals and one center. In the outer layer, there were science, extreme and intelligence sectors. In the center there was the simulation sector. It was the most mysterious one. Lyn's interest was successfully caught by it. She tapped on it, but a notice rang out. " please pass your ID ". She tapped near the hologram, another window was opened, and she dragged a small virtual card towards it. A beep was heard, then the voice replied, " access denied, age doesn't reach the minimum request ". Seeing the grumpy expression, Esme made a quick search on her screen. " Lyn, don't be disappointed. None of us can get in. The age requirement is fourteen ". After a few tries to fish out more information, they resigned .

All the five people were feeling a bit unhappy. Well they were all around 8 and 10 years old. But some people have to wait less or more, based on their age. " It's not fair ", grunted both Ashlyn and her friend.

" But shall we check out if the age restriction is only applied in that sector or the others too. If they are, we've wasted time here ", complained Esm.

Dev swiped his wrist and three windows appeared, they were each one for the remaining sectors. With another movement of his arm, the same message appeared on them, ' access granted '. After seeing it, they felt relieved. Their fun day wasn't over. It just started.

Five different high pitched screams were heard, and in a black chart could be seen five fellows. Two girls behind and the boys forward. The chart was moving quickly like a crazed rocket, while the railing was drawing impossible peaks.

The scene was quite funny to watch. A red haired guy was grabbing the arm of a light haired one, he had a face contorted and the latter was a bit pale, but still had an annoyed expression. The third guy, was with one hand holding the security bar on the left, and with the other hand, was holding in the light haired guy. His face was pale, and a vague smile could be seen on his lips. Dev, finding himself unfortunately in the middle, then he glanced forward, he had to keep the situation under control.

Esme was shutting her eyes while screaming and holding Ashlyn's right arm. Lyn had the most peculiar expression on her face. At the start of that crazy ride, she was indeed a bit nervous, but when it started abruptly she yelled out of surprise. A hand squeezed her shoulder, to calm her. She glanced back, and saw Dev, who was surprised too. She wanted to laugh, but the insane movement of the chart stopped her from laughing. Then she kept yelling for a fifth of the ride, but soon her fear disappeared. She started to enjoy the wind raging wildy against her face, the howling in her ears and the steady sound of the heartbeats. Her eyes glimmered with excitement, and a smirk formed on her lips.

After a few minutes, the others adjusted themselves, and started to enjoy it too. Except for the poor Dev. His pale face was turning slightly greenish.

As soon the ride came to a stop, the staff who welcomed them back, saw his face. He calmly handed a white sack. Dev grabbed it and threw up his breakfast. Leander cracked up seeing him but his buddy was more polite, so he didn't laugh. Esme and Lyn got worried, so one went to grab a bottle of fresh water, and the other one took care of him. Lyn had a worried face on it, " Dev, Dev, how're you feeling ?", she patted gently on his back. Then she glared at the other two. They quickly came over and helped the unfortunate one to sit on a nearby bench. " Here ", a bottle of water was placed in front of his face. He grabbed it and rinsed his mouth, to get rid of that horrible taste. " Eat it " , a small green candy was handed to him. He glanced up, and saw a pair of worried honey eyes. He tried to put on a smile to stop her worry, then took the candy. After a while he was feeling better, but he flushed and he coughed. All of his friends were looking at him, he was embarrassed!