Reconised and one sided strangers

Five balls rolled down together, gaining speed quickly. As they arrived at the end, they were thrown in the air. The balls suspended for a few seconds then fell back.

Inside those round shaped things, all the fellows had a frightened expression. Their bodies were hung at the center, and the X structure of bands were wrapped around them. Lex thought that if he had to describe, he would say it was like being inside a washing machine. Even Esme had a regretful expression on her face. The feeling of rolling in the empty space wasn't quite enjoyable, if one's stomach was still digesting after all. Meanwhile Lyn was flipping while getting entangled by the wires. Her eyes were gleaming excited, she found a way to move inside the game device. As she flipped forward, the ball would roll as she wanted, if she went for a backflip abruptly, the ball would stop a while. Before being bumped by the other players. On the other side Ander and Lex were happily punching around, Dev was instead trying to not be pushed around.

On a giant screen the top view of the game ground was played. The field was blue-greenish, while the ball-device looked like pearls, rolling on a precious carpet.

The organizer, after letting the participants get used to the movement, she hovered on a small black shifting-platform. On the transmission, the image changed, while a playful woman was shown. She had bright orange curly hair, while her yellow eyes were gazing at all the people. She lightly tapped on the device near her ear, and said, " welcome our dear players to our regular round, one of the craziest rides on the extreme peak! As usual, the official challenge now! ". A bright and pleasant voice reached the audience, while she extended her arm, while a timer appeared in her palm. 00 : 30 : 00, those numbers were shown. " Now, everyone will have 5 minutes to read the game rules ".

As she finished her speech, a window popped in front of everyone. Esm tapped her wrist-screen, and four windows popped out. " Guys, are you ready for this challenge ? I'm really looking forward to it! ", " Ah, really, the format of the event it's surely interesting ", mumbled Lex, while Dev was a bit resigned. " Hey, how about we set the rule to not knock out our own people ? So, we'll become the winners for sure ! ", Ander proposed while a mischievous grin formed in his face. After his suggestion, they all nodded, getting ready.

And the five minutes were down, the grund started to shake, while huge holes appeared, shallowing the bluish field. " Three, two, one, GO !!!! ". The start was just fired, immediately, in every inch of the playground there were heard heavy thuds, soon beeps were heard too. It meant a K.O. player. Lyn excitedly moved on her left, knocking one in the hole who just appeared out of nowhere, then she rolled to search for targets, while keeping an eye on the ground. Her friends went to do the same, even Dev was making his efforts, to knock out as many as possible.

Soon half of the players were out, who were pushed in the hole, who instead fell in on their own, and who were distracted. Since there were less people, the remaining one had to move more than before, and they were darting glares at each other, like hunters.

Soon, a ball punched out energetically, hitting his nearest victim. Inside a blue flash could be seen, since the ball was rotating really fast. The action was like a bomb who exploded, frienzing the other partecipants too. After another couple of minutes another half was out and the number was quickly decreasing.

Another ten minutes passed and only a dozen gamers were left. Lyn quickly flipped backwards, as she sensed movements coming towards her. The striker missed her just for a few inches, as he tried to launch himself again against her, but in the halfway, the bluish owner of the ball intercepted him. A dull sound was heard, as a beep resounded after. Lyn, who was ready to get out of the way, stopped her tracks, as she saw that guy again. A stinging pain slowly rose up again, but she still locked her gaze on him. She had a vague feeling, as if she knew him, but she couldn't recall. Or rather, as she tried, a wave of pain would attack her brain. Adeus looked at her, while his eyes were glistening, a loner tear streaked down. He…. he finally found her. She was just in front of him, with those pair of warm eyes, brimming with life. " Who are you ? ". A pained expression flashed on his face, " don't you remember me anymore, little Eve ? ". Ashlyn glanced at him, while an unsettling feeling welled up inside her, at the sight of the tear. He waited for the answer, but it never came.

While the two were immersed in their own world, behind Lyn, her friends were rolling furiously toward her, as they didn't see the situation quite well. But as they were reaching her, an unexpected person bumped on their friend. They saw her falling in the hole with a surprised look.

The boy who attacked was happy, but it didn't last long, as a brute force slammed on him, sending him to crush on the protective wall, and bouncing in a hole.

A cold emerald gaze pierced him before he fell in, then he saw the guy jumping in the hole where the girl fell.