
Bellas Pov 


When everyone left night, Ty and I spent a few hours relaxing and talking about Sarah and Jay's wedding and I made a mental note to kill my brother for acting like a douche to Ty. Ty left just after midnight as he has an away game today and his flight left at nine in the morning, so today the girls and I going to spend the day unpacking and getting settled in properly then this evening I am going to finish planning the fundraiser ball for the charity.  


Now it is seven in the evening and Ava is ready for bed but she is sleeping in her bassinette in the lounge as the girls and I are watching the game, from what Bri has said, her and Rome are together now and I couldn't be happier for her.  

The first half off the game was good, the guys are leading by two points and the team show no signs of giving up which is awesome. Bri has got us all another drink and I sit sipping my coffee while we watch the rest of the game, it is ten seconds until the end and the Michigan Mechanics defence is skating towards Rome who skilfully paces the puck to Ty, who spins full circle before grabbing the puck and thunders down the Ice dodging everyone in his way pulling the hockey stick back, he swings it straight into the puck, the puck flies straight into the back of net and the klaxon sounds, our team won by two points, it was close but we won! Bri, Claire and I all jump up excitedly clapping and cheering and we watch the large screen where the team are piling on top of Ty. 

"That's your man" Claire laughs wiggling her eyebrows, and I can't get this stupid grin off my face. It has been half an hour since the end of the game and I have just started working on the fundraiser when my phone rings, my face immediately splits into a huge smile  


"Hey, congratulations" I say as soon as I answer 

"Hi beautiful, thank you. How are you and Ava?" 

"We are good, she is asleep and I have just started planning the fundraiser. What are you guys up to?"  

"Good, we are just heading out for food and probably a few drinks" Ty sounds tired 

"Well enjoy yourselves you all deserve it, and give me a message later or in the morning" 

"I will beautiful, talk soon" 

With that we end the call and I get back to work, by eleven pm I have got a list of potential venues, caterers, entertainment ideas and guest lists, closing my laptop I pick Ava up and head upstairs getting her all wrapped up in her bed. 

A quick shower later and I pull a long tee over my head and get into bed pulling up the comforter, I scroll through social media for a while before sending a message to Ty 


"Goodnight, babe, have a great evening. Speak in the morning" and with that I drift off to sleep 


"Miss Connors, may we come in?" I nod 

"On behalf of the USA Marine Corps, we are very sorry to inform you that Mr Mark Keaton passed away last night during training exercise-" I scream, God, I scream so loud 


"BELLA!! WAKE UP!!" shit, I wake up drenched in sweat with Bri and Claire both looking at me terrified "Bella, hey sweetie, what happened?" Claire asks sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"Just the same flashback, as always" Claire nods and Bri already has Ava in her arms "I'm going to take her down and prep a bottle for her, Bella. Have a shower and I'll make you a hot cocoa" Bri states and I nod. 

Another quick shower and I slip into my robe quickly checking the time on my phone and it is already four in the morning, and now I am curled up on the large sofa with a blanket and a hot chocolate as Ava is asleep in her bassinette without a care in the world and I am here trying to rid myself of the memory of that awful day. 

I must have fallen asleep as I wake to the sound of people in the kitchen, Ava is still asleep in her bassinette so I make my way through to the kichen where Jay and Sarah are sat with Bri and Claire 

"Morning" I say rather confused as to why they are here 

"Morning babe, how are you?" Sarah asks while giving me hug and I look at Bri who has a guilty look on her face  

"I'm fine, it was just the same flashback" I say while looking at Bri, my brother comes over giving me a hug which makes me even more emotional. We all sit having coffee and some breakfast talking about the flights for Thursday, I excuse myself and quickly get myself ready for the day, thankfully I am working from home so I dress in a pair of black joggers and white sports bra as I intend to get a work out done as soon as possible before I do some work. 

It is just after eleven am and I managed to get a full work out done as Jay and Sarah were with Ava, I had a quick shower and slipped into my white jeans and black tank top before setting up in my home office for a few hours, Jay knocks on the door with a coffee in his hand 

"Come in" 

"Hey bells, here" he places the mug on my desk and sits on the sofa "I just wanted to ask you something- why haven't you arranged another date with Dale yet?" that makes me almost choke on my coffee 

"Probably because I am with Ty, and I don't go on other dates while I am in a relationship, Jay" 

"Hang on, you are actually with Tyler?" surely my brother isn't that thick, surely Sarah would have told him 

"Yes, we are together, I have not told Dale, but I will message him and let him know that I am not interested in another date." I announce, but suddenly I remember I haven't heard from Ty, but he is probably hungover and his flight isn't for another four hours anyway. 

"Right, I see." I know my brother is protective and I know he wanted me to try with Dale but I am happy with Ty and the sooner he gets his head around that the better. 

I have managed a few hours of work, and the fundraiser plans are coming together nicely, after talking to Ty's parents we arranged a date, time, guest list and I booked a few appointments to see some venues. My mobile had been buzzing constantly when I finished my conversation with Jay so I turned it onto silent and it's only when I sit down with Bri for some lunch that I remember so I quickly put the sound back on and start looking through the notifications 


"Morning beautiful, hope you are well" I smile reading Ty's message, I click on a newspaper article  


'Tyler Foley is back to his playboy ways while celebrating yesterday's win' the headline reads, as I scroll down, I see a photo of Tyler and a brunette woman with their tongues down each other's throats.