It’s Just a Healing Salve

"You're…" Rio wasn't quite sure how to respond. Ever since their first meeting on the boat, Rio knew that Neia wasn't her actual name, Savina never looked comfortable when Rio called her Neia, but Savina. The tyrannical queen who was overthrown and supposedly killed by the Hero Vesh and her party and replaced by her own sister. "That's kind of a lot to take in."

Looking at Iseul, Rio could tell this wasn't new news to him. "How long have you known Iseul?"

As Iseul shrugged, Savina spoke.

"The God of the Hunt told him not long after we met. I… I've been trying to tell you, but things kept popping up. Getting in the way… Although I do have one question."

"Why tell me here, now." Glancing to Elenwen, Rio narrowed his eyes, returning to look at Savina. "The tyrant queen Savina, I'm sure you have a lot of enemies, surely you'd want to keep this a secret."

"Well, that's easy-" Attempting to move her arms, Savina winced.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Elenwen interrupted. "Between the mana exhaustion and severe burns, I wouldn't attempt to move your arms for a while, or your legs, or really any of your body. Hold that thought." Standing up, Elenwen moved downstairs.

Watching her go, Rio turned back to Savina. "Who were those people in the dungeon? The two guys who were wearing fox masks. You called them Kitsune?"

"The Kitsune, that's simple. They are mercenar-"

"Elenwen already told us that."

Looking around, Savina blinked. "Then what do you need me for?"

"Do you know anything about them specifically?"

Taking a moment to think, Savina continued. "Practically nothing is known about the Kitsune. Their numbers are a mystery, their main base is a mystery. But I do know some things, each member wears a fox mask to conceal their identity. Each mask has a different colour to identify the person, they also work in teams of two. Usually, so that they can cover each other's weaknesses. I only know one thing about their main base, and that is a name. Haven."

"Is that all?"

"Well, you see Rio, the special thing about a secret organization. Is that, most of it, is a secret."

"Ah, that's true. So." Biting his lip for a moment, Rio took a sip from his tea. "Are there any other secrets you're hiding?"

"Well." Looking down, Savina frowned. "I need your help, Rio, I need both of your help. I've already asked Iseul, and he said he'd do whatever you do."

Glancing to Iseul, Rio nodded. "Go on."

"It's true, I'm the rightful Queen of Ruoroa. I have been called a tyrant, I've made mistakes. I'm doing my best to learn from them. Not only that, but I have to take my throne back from my sister Swen."

"Your sister… That artefact, The Hand of Mon. You said Mon's is your brother's name." Putting the cup of tea aside, Rio leaned forward. "When you heard that name, your reaction wasn't exactly 'normal'. What happened, Savina?"

"My brother, Mon. Is dead. He died decades ago… and that was all my fault."

"Can I ask how he died?"

"It was a long time ago, something like thirty years ago. Mon sacrificed himself to kill the previous King of the Beasts, Cuthami. It all started when Cuthami used an artefact to empower Beasts all across the continent in an attempt to take over Olozia."

"The Beast King tried to take over the continent?" Rio looked to Iseul. Iseul was idly looking out the window paying no attention to the conversation. "I'm surprised I've never heard of this."

"It was a brief but brutal event. An alliance was formed between Ruoroa and Vuml, the Demon Kingdom. My father and the Demon King were there, they held Cuthami's attention during most of the battle, buying the rest of us time to reach the artefact and attempt to shut it off. Usually, all three of them would be equal in power, but with the use of the artefact, Cuthami was more than able to take them both on."

"So, what happened to Mon?"

"A problem arose, a Dark God was there…" Savina stopped, doing her best not to cry. "I can't. Although it happened so many years ago, it still feels like it happened yesterday. Like I can hear his cries."

"That's ok. I know how it feels to lose people." Sighing. "Where did Elenwen go?"

"I was just concocting something for our queen." Walking past Rio, Elenwen sat on the bed next to Savina's right side, holding a small brush and a mortar in one hand. "Now, now stop drilling Savina with questions and you." Taking a handkerchief out of her pocket, Elenwen dabbed Savina's eyes. "Don't get yourself so worked up, you need to save your strength."

"What have you got there?" Rio asked, trying to figure out what she was holding..

"This?" Holding it up, the group saw a green paste. "It's just a healing salve. Nothing special really. I used a pestle and mortar to grind up a few healing herbs and some magic crystals." With the brush, Elenwen picked up a thin layer of the salve. "Now stay still, I've got to get this right."

Brushing Savina's hair out of the way, Elenwen drew a circle on Savina's cheek, in the circle she drew a smaller circle and then a vertical line through that.

"Is that what I think it is?" Savina asked.

"Yup. These runes will help draw mana out of the air and into your body. That way, your recovery will only take one week instead of one month."

"A week. We can't waste a week sitting around doing nothing." Savina groaned.

"Then don't exhaust your body's supply of mana next time." Looking to Rio and Iseul, Elenwen nodded to the stairs. "Can you boys please go and make yourself useful downstairs. I need to apply some more runes to Savina's body to help ease the process."

"Sure thing." Standing up. Iseul picked up his cup of tea. "Come on, Iseul, let's see if there's anything we can make for dinner. I'm starving."

Watching them go, Elenwen walked around the bed. Turning Savina's left-hand so that her palm was pointing upwards, Elenwen drew the same rune on Savina's palm.

"What's wrong Savina?" Although she wasn't looking at Savina, Elenwen could feel Savina's eyes boring holes into the top of her head. "All I've done is try and help, yet you still don't like me?"

"Don't take it personally. I don't like witches in general." Savina snapped.

"Can you try to lean forwards a little, I need to reach your back."

Helping Savina forwards, Elenwen lifted the back of her shirt. Quickly drawing the rune. Elenwen helped her back down.

"I have been wondering one thing, where's the rest of your coven? You witch's love to make giant groups to worship your Dark Gods."

"Oh, those. My sisters are all dead."

Savina fell silent.

Pulling up Savina's left pant leg, Elenwen applied the rune.

"I wasn't there when it happened. I was away dealing with what I now see as a completely meaningless matter."

"Do you know how they died?"

Sitting at the foot of her bed. Elenwen shook her head. "When I finished my mission and returned home. They were all dead. Even the children. I'm certain it was a rival coven, but I doubt I'll ever know which one."

"A rival coven? You witches are as thick as thieves, causing problems for Olozia. Why would you attack each other?"

Chuckling, Elenwen slowly shook her head as she exhaled. "Witch society isn't as simple as that. You serve your Gods, we serve our Dark Gods."

"Those Locked Outside…"

"Yes. Very rarely do our objectives align. We war against each other in the shadows, knowing that if the world saw our conflicts they would use our moments of weakness against us, but my coven was different. We serve the only Dark God, who isn't actually dark."

"The Binding?" Savina whispered.

Hearing this, Elenwen faintly smiled. "You know a lot about us witches, don't you, Savina."

"Well, it was my job, as queen. To make sure I knew what the different covens were getting up to. So I could crush them when they reared their ugly heads."

"Hmm…" Staying silent for a moment, Elenwen sighed. "Well, I only need to apply this last rune. Then you should go to sleep. You're going to need to get as much rest as possible to speed up your healing process."

As Elenwen, applied the last rune to the bottom of Savina's right foot. Finishing, Elenwen stood up to leave.

Looking down, Savina swallowed her pride. "Thank you Elenwen."

Stopping at the stairs, Elenwen smiled. "Say nothing of it. Just make sure you get some rest."


Walking through the bustling streets of Basincliff, the Red fox and the Blue fox had the hoods of their cloaks pulled over their heads. Their fox masks slightly peered out of the hoods.

It had taken them almost three days to reach Basincliff on foot. A town near the discontinued mineshaft. The Blue fox had been complaining about what had happened in the dungeon the whole way there.

"All I'm saying is. I could have killed her. She was right there, unconscious, I had already nullified her powers. How much of a pain do you think she'll become when she learns how to control such a power."

Looking at the gauntlet, the Red fox had questions. "Since Blue had touched it, this artefact hasn't activated. Usually, it only takes a minute or two for the artefact or person's powers to recover, depending on the strength of the person or item. But this gauntlet hasn't shown any activity, I can barely sense its mana. I would have expected more from a sentient artefact-" Red's thought process was interrupted by Blue.

"Are you listening, Red?"

Looking up, Red nodded. "Oh yes, yes, you're still gripping over how I wouldn't let you kill that girl."

Stepping around a group of women, Blue scowled beneath his mask. "I'm not 'gripping'. I just don't understand. You've never stopped me from killing problems before."

"As a form of self-defence, and they've been awake. Don't lower yourself to hurting those who can't defend themselves, Blue." Walking past a storefront, something caught Red's eye. Stopping, he looked into the window.

"It's just-" Noticing that Red had stopped, Blue walked over to him. Seeing Red eye, some sweets in the shop window. Blue sighed. "Red, this isn't the time. We still need to get to the handover. Grey won't be happy if we're late. To be fair, she's never happy, so I guess we aren't losing much."

"Don't worry Blue." Putting a hand on the door, Red held out the gauntlet as he turned back to Blue. "Just go ahead and find her, I'll just grab some snacks, and then I'll be right there."

Rolling his eyes, Blue took the gauntlet from Red, disappearing back into the crowd.

Watching Blue leave, the Red fox walked into the candy store.

Emerging from the store a few minutes later, Red happily held a small bag filled with rock candy. Looking into the sky, he smiled as he made his way back into the crowd of people. Putting a hand up to his mask. Red moved it so that his mouth was visible.

Putting one of the sweets into his mouth, Red smiled. "Mmm, there's just nothing better than pure sugar."

Walking into a side alley away from people, Red smiled as he felt a surge of mana behind him.

"I was wondering when you'd take your chance."

Orange energy flowing around his fingers, Red brought his hand up, following his movements a barrier of the same energy appeared before him.

A bolt of lightning arced across the brick walls of the alley, smashing into the barrier moments after it had been cast.

"For having one of the fastest elements, you're always so slow."

The flow of mana and the sound of a dagger being drawn alerted Red to a presence behind him. A hand on his right shoulder, Red felt the dagger rest on his throat.

"It's been a while." Looking to his right, Red's eyes came to rest on a familiar yellow fox mask. "So how have you been, Yellow?"