This Forest Is So Dense

Stopping in front of a shelf, Nama glanced to Var. "We're here." She stated.

Looking ahead of them and then looking behind them, Var was confused. "But where is here, all of these bookshelves look the same?"

"Of course, they look the same Var. Did you expect the library would give each book its own unique shelf? Their own unique cover?"

"I mean, a little? So tell me, since we are finally 'here'. Wherever here is. Why am I here."

"Welllll, the library has a self-defence mechanism. When somebody takes out a book that contains knowledge deemed as forbidden, the library reacts accordingly to the knowledge contained within it."

"A defence mechanism? I thought all the knowledge within the library was open to all gods?"

"Most of it is, but you know how those in power are. The council deemed that some knowledge shouldn't be given freely. Usually, you'll have to go to the council and get permission, buuuttt we're subverting that."

"Nama." Putting his hands together, Var rolled his eyes. "You're on the council. Can't you give yourself permission?"

Faintly smiling, Nama laughed. "I could, but then I would have to explain to Rigus and the others why I need this knowledge, and then I would have to tell them about the Qliphoth cutting in the Eastern Oaks, which would draw their attention to Savina and Iseul. You see why we're going behind the other's backs now. Right?"

"Ok, ok, I get it. So this defence mechanism. What is it and how do I beat it?"

Putting her hands together, Nama closed her eyes for a moment before continuing. "You don't really, 'beat it'. The only way you can beat it is by burning the library down and well. I can't allow you to do that. So just spar with it till I'm finished reading. When I've finished reading the book, I'll put it back and the defence mechanism will disperse... Should disperse"

Stretching his body, Var nodded. "I see. You do your thing, Nama, I'll protect you from whatever you need protection from."

Nama put a hand on the shelf in an attempt to reach one of the books on the higher shelf. With that not being enough, Nama moved onto the tips of her toes.

Watching Nama try her hardest to reach the book, Var took a step forward. "Do you need help with that?"

"No, no, I've got this. Just get ready, the library's defences will activate the moment the book is pulled off the shelf."

As Var watched her, he quickly looked around at the stationary bookcases. "Something's changed… The mana in the air, it's grown agitated…"

"Of course, it has," Nama muttered. "It's realized what we're doing." Finally grabbing onto the spine of the book she needed. With one finger, Nama tugged it off the shelf.

As Nama caught the book, The shelves around the two gods began to shake. Shaking with such force, the shelves began to dislodge the books within them, causing the many books to fall onto the floor.

"Nama," Var called, taking a step back from the shelves. "What am I actually supposed to be fighting?"

Hearing no response from Nama, Var turned back to her. Sat cross-legged, Nama was engrossed in the book. Rapidly flipping through the pages, she hadn't heard Var's question.

As the shelves continued to shake, the covers of the books now lying on the floor flipped open. One by one, the pages began to tear themselves free from their bindings.

A screen appeared in front of Var.

"Ugh. I hate this thing."

Notification: You have committed a crime by breaking the laws of the Library. The Library of the Gods has summoned the Librarian's Assistant to rectify this offence.

Swirling, the pages began to move together. Forming a body out of the pages, Var thought about intervening with it before the Librarian's Assistant was fully formed.

But there's no fun in fighting an opponent who can't fight back.

As its four arm-like appendages gripped the ground, the creature pulled itself up on them. What looked like a face staring at Var, its attention was drawn to the book Nama was holding.

Rushing Nama, Var caught the Assistant's side with his leg. Kicking the creature away. Pages fell off of the creature as it bounced along the floor. Coming to a stop, more pages rushed to its body to replace those that had been knocked off.

Watching it ready itself, Var couldn't help but snicker. "So you're supposed to punish gods who break the rules." Bearing his fists, Var charged the Assistant. "I'd like to see you try!"


"Were here."

Pushing through the dense foliage of the forest floor, Savina saw Felesyn's small shack.

The sounds of a nearby stream could be heard over the rustling of branches high above their heads as Rio and Iseul joined Savina.

"Finally." Rio sighed. "It feels like we've been walking forever, this forest is so dense. So, what is he like?" Rio asked, patting the plants off his leg.

"Felesyn?" Savina queried. "He's sweet. Unlike most of my siblings who grew up in the capital, Felesyn spent a lot of his time here, in the Eastern Oaks. Under the ever-vigilant watch of his mother and aunt."

"How's he going to react to seeing that you're alive?"

Taking some time to consider Rio's question, Savina lightly shrugged. "I don't know, but I know I'll be happy to see him. Even if it's not mutual… But I'm sure it will be"

Reaching the door, Savina realized something was off. "Something's wrong."

"Hm?" Rio looked around. "What's wrong?"

Putting a hand on the door, it freely swung open. "He'd never leave this door unlocked, there's always a chance any number of animals could come in and mess with his research- Shit!"

As the door fully opened, signs of a fight were evident.

Research notes were strewn across the floor, boxes knocked over and Felesyn's equipment lay broken on the floor.

Crouching, Savina picked up one of the pieces of paper. Skimming the document, Savina picked up on a few key pieces of information.

"He made it here. The vials of holy water… Using something called… The Elder Leaf?" Irritated, Savina dropped the piece of paper back on the floor before the urge to turn it into a ball overtook her.

Picking up one of the boxes on the floor, Iseul opened it. The box contained dozens of empty vials. Holding up one of the vials, Rio took it.

"He made holy water in this rundown shack? I would have thought you'd need some grand process, but he did it here."

A thought crossed Savina's mind. Moving the three boxes that lay on the floor together, Savina opened them all.

Each box contained dozens of empty vials.

"It's not just Felesyn that is missing, the holy water is too. Damn it!" Kicking one of the boxes away, Savina flexed her fingers. "What the hell happened here! Speaker, are you able to detect any traces of the holy water?" Savina angrily queried her helper.

After a moment, Speaker responded.

"I am picking up traces of divine energies, but I detect nothing containing pure divine energy in your immediate area."

Hearing this, Savina sat on one of the boxes, her head in her hands, as she tried to think of what to do next.

Feeling something behind him, Iseul crouched running his fingers along the floor, he stopped as his fingers came into contact with a liquid. Rubbing his fingers together, the liquid was slightly sticky.

"Blood," Rio muttered. "It seems Felesyn didn't let himself get taken without a fight."

"If Felesyn wanted to fight seriously. This hut wouldn't even be here." Savina sighed. "He must have not used his magic for some reason."

Tapping Iseul's shoulder, Rio shook it. "I think it's time we go on a hunt, wouldn't you say, Iseul."

Looking up from her hands, Savina squinted. "A what?"

"You rarely use any of the powers that Var gave you. Time to put them to use."

Huffing, Iseul clenched his fist. After a moment, his hand began to glow orange. Unfurling his fingers, Iseul pressed his hand onto the pool of blood.

Travelling out from his hand, an orange glow moved through the shack.

Orange glowing footprints appeared on the floor. The footprints dotted the room, but what drew Savina's attention was where the footprints lead outside.

"I see. I guess it is only logical that the Champion of the Hunt has some kind of tracking ability. Does it require a person's blood to start the spell?" Shaking her head, Savina remembered there was a more pressing matter. "Where did they go?"

Iseul shrugged as he walked out the door.

Walking backwards, Rio mimicked Iseul's shrug. "He doesn't know where the footprints lead. Although we should get a move on, the spell doesn't last forever."


The group had been following the footprints for a short amount of time.

Watching the glowing footprints flicker, the glow faded.

"No." Savina grit her teeth. "Has the spell run…" Savina fell quiet, seeing Rio was holding a finger to his lips.

Pointing to Iseul, Savina followed Rio gesture. Savina saw that Iseul was standing behind a tree.

Waving them over, he made a gesture that something was around the tree.

Savina joined Iseul in hiding behind the large tree, doing her best to walk quietly. Savina heard a familiar voice.

"Wow, Thaola, he got you good. Who would have expected the bookworm to have a knife on hand"

Peeking around the tree, Savina immediately recognized who the trio were hiding from.

Two elves sat next to the unconscious Felesyn and four small boxes. One elf had a bow and quiver slung over his shoulder, he was tending to a wound on the arm of the strong-looking female elf. As the man spoke, the woman made no sign of responding, yet he happily continued the one-sided conversation.

"How long has it been since I last saw them. Three weeks? Those two elves. The guy's name is Alwin, the woman with the knife wound is Thaola."

"Oh, do you know them?" Rio asked, not realizing how angry Savina was at this moment in time.

"You could say I know them." The violet glow of Savina's ring flared up as she summoned a small ball of orange fire in her first. "How could I forget the two people who tried to sell me into slavery."