Chapter 65: Agent Charlotte Barratt_3

As Charlotte Barratt looked at her computer and checked the time, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't talked to Aria Grant yet. She had been waiting for a meeting to end, and she returned to her seat to continue waiting.

After the meeting, Charlotte went to talk to Aria about Twitter. Aria seemed clueless because she didn't use any software or actively socialize like others in the entertainment industry. This had resulted in her lack of fame and roles.

"Yes, for an actor, fans are essential. You need to share your daily life so they can understand you better, making them like you more," Charlotte explained patiently. Before she could ask if Aria had any questions, Aria nodded and quickly downloaded Twitter.

When Aria was ready, Charlotte told her, "You manage your own Twitter—schedule your posts and ask me if you have any questions."


Isabella Collins's tweets were still full of insults towards Aria.