Chapter 81: The Strange Old Man - Part 2

The man turned around, looked Aria Grant up and down, then nodded.

"Yeah, are you also going to find him for making clothes?" After speaking, he sighed again and continued, "Young lady, I see you're dressed quite simply and your clothes are nice too. Don't get your hopes dashed going there, we've been neighbors with Old Nicholas for so long and still can't figure him out."

After thanking the man, Aria looked at the closed door, took a deep breath, and still walked towards it.

Although Charlotte Barratt had emphasized Nicholas' eccentricity before, no one could have expected such an old man who dared to sweep female celebrities out of his shop and scold them loudly.

Such arrogance and domineering really surprised Aria, and at the same time, made her curious about this artisan.

Even though she knew Nicholas might be on a short fuse right now, she felt it would still be a pity not to go see him since she was already there.

She bravely went ahead and knocked on the door anyway.