Chapter 83: Clothes Destroyed

Although the person was caught and Jennie Summers's downfall was a foregone conclusion, the fact that the dress was destroyed was undeniable.

When Aria Grant went to see Nicholas, he still had a troubled look on his face.

The dress, which had been cut to shreds, had already been put away by Nicholas, and no one knew where.

At this moment, he stubbornly insisted on remaking another dress, but in his heart, he also knew that there was not enough time. However, if he did not do so, he wouldn't know what else he could do to make amends.

Watching Nicholas sitting at his desk, working on a task that both of them knew was impossible to complete, Aria felt a pang of distress in her heart.

But she couldn't directly tell him to stop either.

Aria reached out, wanting to pat Nicholas' shoulder, but her hand halted in midair and decided not to touch him after all.

She merely picked up a cup of water beside Nicholas and help him pour a glass of water.