Chapter 85: Hit_3

All the memories of being with George Flack suddenly slipped back into her mind, filling it with his tender care and affection.

At the same time, she recalled all the troubles she had caused him, and the disappointment and confusion she saw in his eyes after she pushed him away in the car.

If George were to truly leave this world, she had no doubt that she would feel guilty for the rest of her life, regretting and tormented by her actions.

Her eyes welled up again, and her nose felt sour. Aria tried to hold back her tears, but they still slid down her cheeks, as she looked at George with a complicated gaze.

"You'll be fine. Don't say anything like that again." Her voice trembled, choking with sobs, and even the hand holding George's was shaking slightly.

Seeing Aria's tears, George's heart also quivered a little.