Chapter 99: Chloe Lindsey Gets Cyberbullied

Now Chloe Lindsey understood that this was all part of Nancy Walker's scheme, intending to climb higher by stepping on her shoulders.

Suddenly, she lunged at Nancy and grabbed her by the throat, yelling, "You bitch! You destroyed me, and I won't let you off the hook!"

Nancy gasped for breath as Chloe choked her. Her eyes bulged, filled with bloodshot veins, looking like popped-out dead fish eyes.

"Cough, cough... help... cough, cough..." Nancy could barely speak, choking on her words.

At this moment, Nancy's agent rushed over. Seeing the scene, she immediately took a photo before pulling Chloe away from Nancy.

Chloe was yanked away by Nancy's agent, thrown to one side, nearly falling off the platform.

"It's all because of you! You turned me into this!" Chloe glared at Nancy and her agent, her eyes filled with deep resentment. She was filled with hatred.

Although she wasn't very popular, she at least had some fans compared to the D-list.