Chapter 115: Experiment_3

Belly Wescott was slightly creeped out, thinking about the hands that had killed a child in the afternoon sent shivers down her spine. " better not mess around... I don't know what you're researching, but I do know that experiments always require funds to keep going."

Belly Wescott swallowed and gathered her courage before continuing: "Besides the finance, I can also offer you a test subject."

Charles Stuart raised his eyebrows with some interest. He had reviewed the CCTV footage in the afternoon and had intended to come for Belly's life in the evening. However, he hadn't expected Belly to surprise him in this way.

His ongoing experiment was a top-secret endeavour. He had previously applied for an official experimental permit, but it was ruthlessly rejected. He was even reprimanded for his audacity. For so long, he had been barely managing to keep this experiment alive, meticulously selecting orphans with no parents as his test subjects.