Chapter 224: Old Times_3

With all this in mind, Ivy realized it would be difficult to explain, so she randomly muttered an excuse: "Ah, what could it be? It's just that Dad hasn't come back yet, and I'm worried about him!"

George glanced at the time. It was just after eight o'clock. Not too bad!

"Are you hungry? If you are, just let me know, and I'll make you something to eat, even though it might not taste good. It's only a little past eight; isn't it normal for Dad not to be back yet? He probably has some work to do at the company."

What work could he have? Dad didn't go to the company; he went to see Mom in the afternoon. They should be back by now. Doesn't Dad know Ivy will be worried?

Did they go get that marriage license or not? Or did they end up parting in anger, and Dad didn't come home alone? My goodness, Ivy couldn't help her wild thoughts, but thinking so much was useless.