Chapter 225 - Everyone Left_2

Scott Ward knew that he and Matt Andrews probably weren't heading the same way, but he found it comforting to see Matt going along, as Scott had already started worrying. Perhaps Matt could stay here and not leave at all!

Matt packed his belongings like a sleepwalker. He hadn't brought much when he arrived, so naturally he had little to pack away. Since Aria Grant was also upstairs, Matt had noticed when he moved upstairs that Aria had already left. She could have left while he was zoning out in pain, why was she in such a hurry?

Why couldn't she say a proper goodbye to him?

Scott Ward had finished gathering his things and was somewhat impatient. Due to the sudden changes in his show, he wouldn't have to start work at the hospital right away, which was delightful for Scott. He had texted his friends that he was free and invited them to grab a delicious meal with him!