Chapter 233: Confession_3

Old Mr. Andrews had already said so, and Matt Andrews could not refuse.

"Fine, then I'll stay and spend some good time with Grandpa today!"

Matt stayed with Old Mr. Andrews, leaving Michael Andrews no chance to talk. After dinner, Michael went back to his room to calm down, knowing he couldn't let his father indulge Matt all the time. He planned to talk to his father about the matter later.

However, Matt stayed by Old Mr. Andrews' side, leaving Michael no opportunity.

But this matter couldn't be delayed any longer. And Michael was still worried that if he didn't make it clear to his father now, what if Matt strengthened his father's conviction?

So Michael couldn't hesitate any longer, and he went straight to his father's room.

The door was open, and Michael saw Old Mr. Andrews laughing loudly with Matt inside. He didn't know what they were so happy about. Michael knocked on the door.
