Chapter 256: Rebuke_2

Lucas Blackwood was a bit slow to realize what had just happened. Seeing Aria Grant walk away, he wondered if he had hurt her feelings just now.

But as Lucas pondered over this, he thought that a dazzling person like Aria wouldn't care about what he said or did. She probably didn't care about any of this. So, it seemed there was no need for him to think too much about it. If he kept doing so, he might just be worrying unnecessarily.

Aria had struggled to come to Butterfly. She initially didn't want to come at all. It was precisely because of this that she thought she had to show her face in front of David Thompson. In doing so, David would know she had come. Thinking about this and her curiosity about Matt Andrews' earlier urgency, she hurried to check on the situation.

David's office door was closed, but Aria could hear the clamor inside when she got closer. Although she couldn't hear exactly what David was saying, she could tell he was genuinely angry.