Chapter 271: The Child Leaves First_2

Aria Grant had even put on her rain shoes, thinking she was well prepared, but she never expected the wind to be so strong that it blew her black umbrella out of shape.

Although she was wearing rain shoes, the rain was too heavy to prevent it from seeping in from the top, and Aria only took a few steps before feeling the cold wind and icy rain all over her body. She suddenly felt that coming to pick up her two children, as well as the raincoat she held in her hand, was all a futile effort.

Additionally, the heavy rain made it difficult for cars to enter the school grounds. On a rainy day, let alone a stormy one, the school entrance and even the entire road was paralyzed. The crowd was full of parents, and Aria had long given up on using her umbrella. When she pushed her way to the front, she was no longer cold, but rather feeling hot from the body heat of the crowd.

Aria finally squeezed her way to the entrance of the school.