Chapter 288 Wisdom

When Lucas heard Sophia's evaluation of him, he couldn't help but agree. After all, who wouldn't like being liked by a child? But he wondered if other people's impressions of him were as serious as Sophia described, would anyone actually like him?

Realizing what she had said, Sophia became a little curious about the thoughts that seemed to occupy Lucas after she spoke.

"Auntie, did I say something wrong just now? Why do you seem unhappy now?"

When she said that Lucas seemed unhappy, she wasn't exaggerating. She saw his furrowed brow and thought he looked quite unhappy.

Lucas realized that his expression had turned serious, just as Sophia had described.

After becoming conscious of this, he tried his best to put it out of his mind. If he continued thinking about it, he would only become more serious, making him even less approachable.