Chapter 289: Neglect_2

At this point, Aria Grant was no longer thinking about getting George Flack to sincerely praise her. Was it really that hard for him to simply go along with what she had said earlier?

Aria furrowed her brow, waiting for George's response, one second after another.

"Won't it be cold outside? I'll go faster, and when we get back, you can quickly hide under the covers."

If he wasn't going to compliment her beauty, any other topic would be useless. Aria's ears filtered out everything except what she wanted to hear, completely disregarding everything else.

So Aria didn't respond to the issues George had just brought up. Rather, she hesitated, wondering if she should be angry and explode.

Aria was already observing George's energy. If he had enough energy at this point, she could totally have a huge fight with him.

George, however, still seemed quite lively at this time. Hence, Aria turned her head away.