Chapter 298 Concealing and Deceiving

Aria Grant was panicking. Seeing Ivy Grant scanning the room, she knew there was no way to hide the truth anymore. This situation was utterly humiliating, something Aria didn't want at all.

"Mommy, you need to explain! Why are all your things here? Are you that busy to be staying here? Can't you stay with Dad? What are you two fighting about?"

Ivy Grant confronted her mother directly, while Aria strived to think. She wanted to understand what she had done wrong. Unfortunately, she couldn't communicate her grievances with George Flack. This left her with an unsettled feeling.

She felt she wasn't fully trusted, as if she were an object under test. This was indeed hard to accept.

"What would you know as a child? Your father and I are merely having an argument. It's a feeling that can't be expressed. Even if I explained, you wouldn't understand, right? But how did you come here? Do you need something from me?"