Chapter 299 Porridge and Pickles_2


"Whatever requests the man coming later will make, please do your best to satisfy them, understood? This task must be done well. We can't let Mr. Flack feel slighted."

The manager didn't get a chance to ask the boss why, he was used to following orders anyway.

"Rest assured, boss!"

From the boss's words, the manager understood the importance of treating Mr. Flack well. He was determined to deliver and not disappoint Mr. Flack!

"Mr. Flack, please have a seat and wait for a while. I'll make the arrangements now, you won't be waiting for more than twenty minutes!" The manager, looking nervously at the time, was keen to give a precise wait time to Mr. Flack.

George Flack found this satisfactory; he had been content with half an hour, twenty minutes was even better. This meant that he would reach the movie set before nine.

"Alright, thank you for your efforts."