Chapter 318 Being Cared For_3

"I don't have any plans for tomorrow, so I thought I'd sleep in if I can, at least have a really good sleep and wake up naturally! What about you?"

Aria Grant was completely stunned, and George Flack was no better, looking just as foolish.

"I don't have any plans either, so I'll do the same as you then, sleep until I wake up naturally and then figure out what to do next!"

The two had lain face to face like this before, but the atmosphere this time felt exceptionally rare.

Both of them were a bit reserved, and at the same time a bit child-like, which was a precious display of childlike innocence.

They chatted in fits and starts, and before long, Aria's eyes began to flutter shut; she was so sleepy she wasn't even aware of it.

George saw this and thought to himself how adorable Aria was, even her sleepiness resembling a lost butterfly.