Qin Yu's Unexpected Accident

Qin Yu followed the bushy path silently while her eyes were glued to Ling Luo's slender figure.

She'd never paid attention to her before, and even on the verge of becoming a zombie and committing such an atrocity on her, she'd never felt so drawn to the gentle big sister in her memory.

Although Ling Luo was almost a head shorter than she was, Qin Yu couldn't deny that her big sister's shape was better than her own. Even from behind, she could see a pair of plump treasures jiggling up and down as the older girl moved forward as if they were ripe fruits that were ready to be plucked.

Qin Yu suddenly felt her body's temperature rise inexplicably, and some unspeakable thoughts popped up in her mind.

If she could take a nibble of it, would it be as chewy as red dates?

If she had a chance to wrap them up in her tongue, would they be as sweet as a logan fruit?

If she could take a peek at what was hidden behind those loose clothes, would they be as pinkish as a ripe peach?

A seed of irresistible desire to claim this seductive lady as her own was sown in her heart unknowingly, and the young girl could do nothing to prevent it from budding beautifully.

But the time wasn't ripe yet and, at the moment, the crow of birds successfully jolted Qin Yu out of her stupor.

'Fuck, what's wrong with me?!'

Qin Yu shook her head left and right furiously and tried her best to quench the fire in her core.

She could somehow sense some wetness between her thighs, yet her throat was as dry as a wasteland in summer.

The young girl felt a different kind of craving that she'd never felt before in her life, making her perplexed and embarrassed, and then scared.

Not to mention the seven years Qin Yu spent as a mindless zombie. Even in her previous 22 years of life, she had never once been involved romantically with anyone else.

She of course knew about the concept of sexual attraction after all her fellow roommates talked about it all the time that she sometimes wonder whether they were going to college to get a degree or just to get laid.

But never once she had considered the possibility that she could also feel something so passionate and intimate.

The old Qin Yu lived her life as though she was a passerby—all of the things she experienced were akin to a movie, where she was just another audience.

The reborn girl hadn't realized yet that her past self was so abnormal that she was closer to being a puppet than a living being with her own desires and thoughts.

That was the reason why Qin Yu felt that her world was dull and grey before, but she didn't know the root of this abnormality yet.

Because of this twisted view, her naïve and inexperienced mind couldn't help but mistake the unfamiliar sexual desire as a bizarre behaviour driven by impulse as a former zombie.

'N-no way… God, please don't!'

Qin Yu was so horrified that her rosy cheeks quickly lost their colour, turning as pale as a paper sheet.

The confused girl staggered back in shock, and soon her feet lost their footing and slipped from the ground as gravity pulled her body to the ground behind her.

"Kyaa!!" She couldn't help but squeal in reflex as she hung in the air.

Ling Luo, who was already slightly further ahead, was startled when she heard the unexpected cries.

"QIN YU!!!"

In the blink of an eye, Ling Luo's figure flashed down the steep ground, reaching out to Qin Yu at an unbelievable speed.

Obviously, it wasn't a speed that a seemingly feeble and harmless girl should have—even Olympic athletes would have their eyes pop out if they saw the inhuman speed that the older girl possessed.

Not to mention Qin Yu, who had already experienced one full year after the apocalypse started, in which many people had their physiques strengthened beyond what an ordinary human was capable of, would also be mindblown if she saw what happened at this moment.

Qin Yu didn't seem to be aware of Ling Luo's extraordinary deed though, as her mind went blank as soon as she lost balance and closed her eyes subconsciously.

'Am I going to die again?'

Qin Yu suddenly felt a wave of helplessness wash over her body.

Would she have died in vain this time?

It wasn't even a day, and she was going to lose her life again?

She was unwilling!

She was unreconciled!

An image of a pale girl with a beautiful face flashed in her mind at that moment.

She really didn't want to leave her alone again in this lifetime or to be left behind by her.

But what could she do?

Fate seemed to be against her this time, and her luck seemed to be running out.

Just as she was expecting the pain that was going to assault her body to come, she suddenly felt a strong yet gentle arm embrace her at the waist.

Her body seemed to be enveloped in comforting warmth, and the softness around her head quickly drove out her fear and helplessness without a trace.

The sweet smell of lilac helped her calm down, but her heart was racing as fiercely as a group of stallions galloping across a wide prairie.

A soft and warm breath tickled the tip of her ears, which unknowingly turned as red as boiled crab as a gentle voice full of concern whispered into her ears.

"Are you okay, little Yu?"

The feminine voice seemed to possess a magical quality that helped her body relax.

"It's all right, Yu, Big Sis is here..."

A voice, sweeter than a jar of honey, suffused a clump of energy into her body enough for her to courageously lift her eyelids.

As she opened her eyes, a gorgeous face entered her sight.

It was the same face that pulled her from the depths of despair.

It was the same face that greeted her warmly at the dinner table with her favourite foods.

It was the same face that teased her again and again and made her blush.

It was the same face that the woman in her memory showed at the brink of her death.

All the images overlapped with each other in Qin Yu's mind.

Her previously relaxed body turned stiff once more, her eyes shook fiercely, and tears burst out of her black big eyes like a broken dam.

"Let me go!"

She cried.

Qin Yu started flailing about in Ling Luo's arms.

"Stay away from me!"

A trembling voice growled, wailing like a wounded beast.