Qin Yu's Indecent Thought

After a while, Qin Yu started to calm down.

The stream of tears had already ceased flowing down from her red, swollen eyes.

She had also already stopped struggling and was quietly lying in Ling Luo's embrace.

The fact that her emotions suddenly exploded in an unpredictable direction made her feel slightly embarrassed.

At this point, she couldn't prevent Ling Luo from sensing that something was off.

Ah… I fuck up big time this time, thought Qin Yu helplessly.

Who knew she would make such a blunder even before the first day of her rebirth ended?

Ling Luo wasn't a fool either. The only thing that kept her from asking was that she was such a kind and considerate person.

If this kind of incomprehensible action kept happening, she wouldn't be able to keep her secret for too long.

But what could she do?

She couldn't control her reaction to the sense of fear that suddenly struck her either.

It was real.

She got scared of herself.

She was really afraid that the newfound emotion inside her would end up hurting someone she held dear.

Didn't she promise herself it would be different this time?

Yes, with the help of the system she could change for the better.

Whatever the feeling she had now, she just needed to bury it in her heart and everything was going to be okay.

Regaining her composure, Qin Yu quickly regulated her breathing according to the Tranquil Heart Sutra and slowly recited the mantra.

After dispelling the remaining negative emotions, she tried to raise her head, which had been sandwiched by two soft and fluffy… um, white buns.

So, was she reborn again as a burger this time?

'Don't tell me I'm the protagonist in a rom-com Isekai anime, something like "That time I got reincarnated as a hamburger" this time?'

Well, enough of these silly thoughts.

She needed to escape before the strange situation she was in started to act up again.

"I'm fine already, Big Sis Luo. Could you let me go, please? I can't breathe…"

Her voice sounded muffled. It seemed that human fat had an excellent soundproofing ability.

"Really?" Ling Luo's gentle voice confirmed.

Qin Yu hummed weakly and nodded her head in affirmation. But in this kind of position, she looked more like a kitten snuggling up to her owner for attention.

'Aww, how can someone be this adorable?'

Although such a thought might be a little bit improper after such a disconcerting scene, her heart couldn't help but soften seeing the bundle of cuteness in her embrace.

Ling Luo felt a little bit ticklish as a faint hot breath blew through the fabric of her clothes, brushing her skin lightly.

Her worries had lessened somehow and she unconsciously let out a soft moan.


The alluring whisper made Qin Yu's muscles that had just begun to relax tense up again.

Another wave of rising heat spread across her body once more.

But this time, she could restrain her emotions and analyse the situation calmly.

It seemed that she wasn't the root of the problem as she previously thought, at least not completely.

It was this bad woman in front of her that kept provoking her hidden inner desire.

Although she could be an airhead sometimes, Qin Yu was the type of person that could adapt to a change of situation no matter how strange and impossible it might seem.

After all, she was someone who had gone through apocalypse day and then experienced a rebirth, both of which were beyond scientific convention and closed to metaphysic already.

Just like how quickly she accepted the existence of a system and world will, Qin Yu accepted the fact that the soft, fragrant, and voluptuous figure who was holding her tightly at the moment stimulated the possessive monster that dwelled inside her.

The question was: how should she proceed onward?

She could continue repressing the growing desire and let time do its work. Maybe someday it would whittle away, disappearing silently just like when it appeared.

Or, she could do it once to remove it from her system and be done with it, perhaps?

The thought of letting Ling Luo "help" her to release the urge flying through her mind made her cheeks blush even more furiously.

Eeh… No way, no way!

Why am I so horny?!

She often heard that something like that could only be done with someone you love, though her roommates always scoffed at such an innocent notion.

And the most important thing was: would Ling Luo agree to such an outrageous demand?

After all, she was a woman too. And wasn't it strange for a woman to do it with another woman?

She didn't know much about her big sister, but she recalled that in her previous life there was a popular rumour that there was something going on between the Shadow Queen, who was her big sister Luo, and the strongest superhuman in Base K, the Thunder Sovereign, Lei Long.

Many people had shipped them as the King and Queen of Base K, a power couple that garnered many envious and longing gazes from other superhumans and ordinary people alike.

As she remembered it, there weren't any rebuttals from both parties either. So the Ling Long CP banner gained more and more followers throughout the year. It was also one of the things that keeps people's minds from going insane due to the pressure of survival. At least it gave a semblance of the normalcy that people have in the chaotic times of apocalypse.

Based on that fact, Qin Yu always believed that Ling Luo was a straight daughter and couldn't possibly be bent, which gave her an inexplicable sense of loss.

If Ling Luo could hear Qin Yu's thoughts, she would "gladly" give Qin Yu a "gentle" slap on her perky butt to prove otherwise. Unfortunately, she didn't have a way to peek into Qin Yu's mind.

So, asking Ling Luo's help was quickly eliminated from her list.

The only remaining option was to do it herself.

Imagining the scene where she was touching and fondling herself made her feel giddy and pretty embarrassed.

As she was deep in thought, she momentarily forgot that she was still in Ling Luo's arms and wasn't aware that the older girl watched her intently with an amused expression on her face.