Qin Yu Enters The Tomb (1)

After climbing for around 30 minutes, the vegetation started getting thinner and sparser, and the path finally led to open space.

Even though there was still quite a distance from the summit, Qin Yu could already get a glimpse of the majestic Banyan Tree that towered over the hill peak like its guardian deity and couldn't hide awe in her eyes.

More than a dozen branches spread wildly; the tree's canopy bloomed as though it were a natural umbrella created by nature.

The aerial roots swayed left and right, cascading from every branch, touching the ground slightly, as if it was a coquettish maiden trying to show off her lustrous and well-maintained hairs.

The summer breezes swept across the high grass plain, shaking them like a drum cueing the dancers to start their performance.

The sight was amazing to behold.

Qin Yu raised her head and took a deep breath, whiffing the earthy and fresh scent lingering in the air. The wind blew past her cheek lightly, just like a lover's caress.

While enjoying herself, she let her feet leisurely yet steadily take her towards the Banyan Tree's direction.

Ling Luo, who was walking beside her quietly, smiled warmly when she saw a soft smile forming on the younger girl's lips.

Beneath the trees, where their unbridled thick roots took a root, a tall mound could be seen, which was the highest peak of Blessed Hill.

In the middle of it, a sturdy stone structure built with a three-meter-tall door in the centre entered their sight.

The door was clad in crimson, with a minimal yet delicate ornament around the edge, and there were two large ring copper door knobs on each side of the split doors. This kind of door was commonly seen in imperial palaces.

This was the entrance to the Qin family's underground mausoleum, the place where the deceased members of the Qin family had their final rest.

Qin Yu had visited this place several times in the past, but only at that moment could she fully appreciate its grandness. She suddenly had an illusion that she had travelled back to the ancient eras.

Truth be told, even among the riches near the Blessed Town or even in the surrounding provinces, none of them would spend so extravagantly on their ancestral hall. This kind of treatment was something only the descendants of ancient dynasties could enjoy.

Why was the Qin family so different from the others?

She didn't know the answer herself. Her grandfather once told her that the Qin was of a great lineage, but he never explained clearly what kind of genealogy their family had.

In fact, she had never heard from other family members other than her parents and grandparents.

Did she have uncles, aunties, cousins, or such?

She had no idea.

Only after being reborn did she find her family actually quite mysterious.

However, she could only push the matter to the back of her mind for now. After all, she had a more pressing matter she needed to solve, which was how to survive through the apocalypse.

Perhaps, after she could ensure her survival and the lives of the people close to her, she could try to investigate it further.

Her attention once again turned back to the magnificent building in front of her.

The sight of harmonious coexistence between man-made structures and natural wonders was truly magical—almost otherworldly even.

It seemed to come straight from Tolkien's story.

Even if, at this moment, a short humanoid being, smoking pot, with bare naked feet which fingers slightly hairy, came out of the door suddenly, she wouldn't be surprised at all.

Or maybe…

The ones who came out might be beautiful big sister elves, big sister dryads, or big sister witches.

What could be better than having many big sisters doting on you?

While Qin Yu was lost in her imagination, she suddenly felt an icy glare from behind, sending a chill colder than winter hail down her spine.

She turned her stiff head mechanically and saw the most horrifying smile she'd ever seen in her life. Even a clown's smile turned pale in comparison.

"So…" Ling Luo recited her words slowly in an indescribably goosebumps-raising tone, "Little Yu likes to be pampered by many big sisters, huh?"

'Big Sis Luo can read my mind?!' Qin Yu shuddered.

"I can't."

'Lie! You're reading my mind right now!' Qin Yu whimpered.

"I'm not."

"So how could you know my thought?!"

Qin Yu accidentally blurted out her thoughts and, realizing what had actually happened, quickly lowered her head as her fingers fidgety in embarrassment.

"So… I blurted it out loud."

"You did."

The younger girl cowered, covering her blushing face behind her hands.

She really wanted to rush inside the tomb and lock herself inside!

When Qin Yu was working her brain harder than a bull ploughing the rice field, finding words to explain herself, Ling Luo's attitude suddenly took a sharp turn.

Her smile became less threatening and her usual gentle and warm smile reappeared.

Ling Luo said, "If Little Yu really likes to get pampered by big sister," her smile beamed even brighter, "this big sister will show you the real meaning of "pampering" for you later."


Qin Yu made a big gulping sound while her legs turned soft and her heart pounding so hard that it threatened to leap over her throat.

There was a hint of expectation mixed with fear in her eyes as they were glued to the twin buns that were pushed slightly upward by Ling Luo's crossing arms.

Ling Luo giggled softly as she traced Qin Yu's gaze and felt pleased by what she saw. It seemed that her feelings weren't without any chance at all.

"Now, quickly go inside. I'll wait for you outside. After all, outsiders can't enter the tomb as they pleased."

This was an ironclad rule of the Qin family.

Even Ling Luo and Uncle Wang and his family, who were already treated like family by her grandparents and parents, could only enter the tomb once a year during the Qingming Festival.

Other than that, they wouldn't be allowed to enter. And even after most of the Qin family had passed away for almost half a decade, they still maintained this tradition strictly.

Qin Yu nodded like a chick pecking rice and obediently accepted the key, a lighter, and some fake money Ling Luo handed over to her.

The door opened with a creaking sound after being unlocked by Qin Yu, and she quickly stepped inside.