Qin Yu and Boss Bear (2)

"What do you think we should do about farm security? Do you have any suggestions, Brother Bear?"

Boss Bear put both of his hands inside the side pocket and adjusted his position into a slightly more comfortable posture.

"From my understanding of what Miss is trying to do here, I think we need to build a wall or at least a fence around the perimeter so that wild animals or passersby won't accidentally trespass into this area."

"I will also assign two dedicated personnel as guards 24/7. And we will also install CCTV here, both facing inward and outward. Although I have great trust in Mr. Wang's ability to judge a person's nature, it won't hurt to take more precaution."

"When the farm operation starts running, we will schedule a routine patrol around here."

"I like the plan. Let's settle with a wooden fence for now, and we can upgrade it to a wall later on.

"Do you want to add anything, miss?" Boss Bear confirmed it once again.