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Chapter 29

This is too scary, right?

The stocks that have fallen for more than half a year, after Lin Yuan invested 5 billion, said they rose and rose!

It turns out that Lin Yuan, a young master, is a low-key stock speculator? !

"Fuck! I've only seen it in my life! I haven't seen such a thing in stocks for so many years!"

"Master Lin's vision is too harsh!"

"More than vision! That decision is not comparable to ordinary people! A five billion gamble!"

The investment and stock-related staff on the seventh floor were all shocked.

This rise is too strong and unscientific!

at this time.

"Fuck! I fell down!" Suddenly, an employee shouted.

Heard this.

Everyone present had their hearts beating.

Just got 20 billion wildly, and fell so quickly?

Lin Jianjun looked up quickly, Chen Pei and others also looked at the big electronic screen.

However, the currency of West Borneo is still in the sky at this time, and it is not obvious that it is going to fall.

The one who just yelled was a member of the holding group, so Chen Pei frowned and said, "What is falling? Isn't this still rising?"

Seeing everyone staring at him, the employee blushed and quickly shook his hand: "No, no, no! I didn't mean that the currency of Xibo country fell, I mean, that Changhong shares fell! Changhong shares have fallen a lot!"

Everyone's previous attention was all attracted by Xibo's currency.

Observing Changhong shares at this time, as expected, it has plummeted many times!

See this.

The eyes that everyone looked at Lin Yuan were even more shocked.

They remembered.

Before, Lin Yuan not only said that the currency of West Borough will rise, but also that Changhong's shares will fall.

Now all of this has been fulfilled!

"Just now, the young master insisted on selling the shares of Changhong, etc., and he was full of the currency of the country. Now Changhong has fallen without any loss. It has risen thinly, and it is full! Great!"

"It's terrifying, is the young master a legendary fortune teller! What is said?"

"Fuck off! Young master will be a fortune teller? Called Young Master Buffy Yuan, the stock god!"

"The young master is really amazing, my God, if the young master says to buy something, I must buy some secretly myself!"

These staff members spoke with great admiration.

At this time, the stock marketer Chen Pei beside Lin Yuan was already covered with cold sweat on his back, and his heart was beating extremely violently.

Because she suddenly thought of what would happen if there were no Lin Yuan.

If there is no Lin Yuan.

Then the 5 billion invested in Xibo's currency will be invested in Changhong under her decision, and then it will plunge to a loss of 5 billion.

If the Lin Group lost five billion in vain, she would have to leave, and she might even bear joint and several liabilities.

In the novel, Chen Pei was indeed fired by the Lin Group because of this incident, and even Chen Pei owed a natural debt and could not repay it until he committed suicide.

What Lin Yuan did before not only helped the Lin family make a lot of money, but also saved her life.

After trying to understand this.

Chen Pei looked at Lin Yuan's eyes, full of gratitude and admiration.

"Master, thank you!" Chen Pei thanked him sincerely.

Lin Yuan waved his hand, he was just to hold back the decline of the Lin Group.

Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan, who watched all these rabbits, were the most shocked.

Because they have the most contact and knowledge of Lin Yuan.

They were stunned when they saw that Lin Yuan simply said what he said.

When is their son so good?

Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan glanced at each other, and she was shocked in the eyes of the other party.

Lin Jianjun couldn't help asking: "Yuan'er, how do you know that these stocks have risen and fallen?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Didn't I explain it before investing? I have studied it. I have studied the currency of Xibo Country for three years…"

After all, Lin Yuan has advanced stock trading skills, and many terms and explanations are just open.

It is not easy to succeed in one thing, but when others succeed.

However, it is quite simple to analyze how other people succeeded.

Therefore, Lin Yuan and Meng Yuelan believed that he stayed up all night to watch the currency of Xibo country, and paid attention to the national conditions of Xibo country for half a year. Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan both believed.

Meng Yuelan felt very distressed.

"Money is not that important, it is important for you to take good care of your own body!" Meng Yuelan said.

"You know, you know." Lin Yuan said.

"If this goes on, I'm afraid Yuan'er won't be able to come back and inherit the company." Lin Jianjun smiled.

"Huh?" Meng Yuelan also thought of this, and she immediately changed her words: "It's uncertain! It just soared, but now it's plummeting back!"

"You crow's mouth." Lin Jianjun smiled and shook his head.

Lin Yuan calmly said in his chest: "It won't fall back sharply. The increase will last at least until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. After 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, all the currency of Xibo country will be cleared. Don't be greedy."

If it were the previous words, no one would believe Lin Yuan's words.

But now, everyone is convinced of Lin Yuan's words.

Moreover, the currency of Xibo Country is indeed still rising rapidly at this time, and there is no intention to stop at all.

After a few words, Lin Yuan left.

20 billion, this is just the beginning.

the next day.

"Yue'er, look at this news." Early in the morning, Yan Ruyue saw Song Xuan handing him the phone.

Yan Ruyue took it and checked the news above.

The headline of this news is.

"Shocked! Earn 30 billion in ten minutes! Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan, the young master of the Lin family, looks handsome and kind, but behind his back is such a big stock marketer!"
