Jake tried his best to calm his nerves down. The image of him getting beaten up in front of the crowd was still alive in his eyes. He felt rage boiling in his body. Yet, he suppressed it and walked towards a solitary rock that wasn't in use. 

"Great job withholding your urge to attack her. It would help if you learned how to control your urges during battles. If there is crucial advice that I can give you at this moment, it is to remain calm no matter how desperate the situation. You need a calm mind to think your way out of a problem." DELTA said.

Jake nodded his head as he contemplated why he didn't attack her. It wasn't due to his ability to withhold his bloodlust. It was because he realised his inability in handling her strength. Although he received so many bonuses, Jake was confident that he would need to advance to the peak of the sixteenth level if he wanted to suppress her.

He extended his hand to grab the rock he chose as his target.