The entire sector ten Korean army was excited to repeat the feat that their compatriots in sector eleven had managed to achieve. They had performed small squadrons and the moral was at a all time high. As soon as the time of war arrived, the troops rushed in with a new vigour, which proved to be quite the addition to their strength. The enemy troops were in no position to resist their attacks.

One by one, the men began to fall and soon enough, the Korean side saw a good tilt of balance in their favour. They hoped to end this war as soon as possible, and the means to do so was right informt of their eyes. No one wanted to miss such an opportunity. 

But the momentum was short lived, as soon enough a new player entered the battlefield. This new player was so strong that the balance was completely offset by him. It was none other than the A-rank commander of the eleventh sector who had lost his stronghold.
