The duo was going rampant at each other without giving a single thought about their surroundings. The clash between the two fist was immense. One could even hear the sound of cracking coming from Jake's fist but couldn't see any change in his momentum. It was as if he didn't feel pain. There was an expression of glee on his face as he based his fist against the unbreakable body of Hong Li. All he managed to do was push his enemy back, but there was no effect on Hong Li's momentum as such.

Jake jumped back and looked at the incoming figure with a serious glance. The next second he ducked down and dodged the incoming fist attack from Hong Li, jumping side-ways the next moment to avoid a shot from his leg. He used his hands as a support to tilt his body upwards and landed a kick on the enemy's chin, while rotating his body back to a standing position and jumping back.