As the clash happen once again, Jake could see that the shine of both the Fist Emperor Body and the Golden Body was increasing.

"These seem similar to the battle body which Rahu Jian used. Do they have similar function to my Undying Demon Body?" Jake asked the system.

"While the energy pattern being radiated doesn't allow for a deep pry, the phenomenon happening in front does suggest that to be the case. I think their energies become more and more active as the battle continues, until it reaches a saturated peak beyond which they would need to push the art itself to bring out more power."

"The combination of physiques that you posses as of now goes way beyond that. Not only are you almost impossible to kill, but your body is able to store a massive chunk of energy from all the attacks which you received and then allows the utilization of that same energy to both heal and increase the intensity of attack."