chapter one

Samra p.o.v

"Promise me, that you will be mine?" He asked me while he put a ring on my finger.

I stared at his blue orbs and nodded.

"Yes, I promise " I answered then he pull my face closer to his then he kissed my forehead.

Little did I know, someone pulled me of him and when I turned around he person varnished into thin air.

"Samra, dear please wake up you're going to be late on your first day of college "shouted my mom from the door as she kept on knocking.

I didn't want to leave the bed as first ,am not a morning person and two I was si curious about the strange dream.

I then decided to stay longer in bed and try to go back to my dreamland. But I  so was wrong  my mom busted into my room and pulled the blanket off me.

"Samra for the first time in your life try to be active, I can't always wake you up like an alarm when you have a phone so please learn to set an alarm ok?"she sounded pissed off.

"Ok mom, I will so could you let me sleep about longer please" I requested but she pulled me from the bed and pushed me to the bathroom and told me to be ready in five minutes.

I just shrugged and spent about a minute to stare at myself in the mirror before I started getting ready for college. I brushed my teeth, took wudhu, prayed then I got dressed.

I wore blue jeans with a blue shirt , a matching coat and blue hijab. One thing about me is I love wearing a matching outfit. I ran downstairs and I could feel the tension in the kitchen. My mom was tapping her fingers on the counter staring at me.

"Seriously samra, I have been waiting for you for the last twenty minutes, your little brother is getting late for his school would you please grab your breakfast and get in the car" my mom said in annoyed voice.

"Ok mom just chill besides am here aren't I?" I asked as I grabbed the food and followed her outside.

My mom and I moved here from miami, after my step dad died, my mom is a doctor who usually works all the time so most of the time me and my brother yasir  who was starting high school would always be home alone.

So my mom made the first stop and it was my brother's school. Then it was my turn and when we reached the school. I was surprised by how extremely big it was no one would believe it was a school.

My mom helped me with my stuff and we entered my dorm. I was so happy I couldn't wait to start the day. I kept looking around and then saw how big the closet was you could think it was a hotel and not a school dorm.

We were then interrupted by a knock on the door. It was a girl with a red wavy  hair she wore a short skirt and a black and white striped shirt, she seemed friendly she introduced herself as Mariah and I introduced myself too.

It was then my mom's turn to leave since she had a job interview, I escorted her to her car. I didn't know how to feel since it was my first time away from home but I knew we would have time to see each other. So we hugged for a while until she left.

I stood there for a while before I went back to my dorm. Mariah was still in the room and she looked at me and she then pulled me for a hug which I never expected from a total stranger. Even though she is my roommate.

After I had calm down, she offered me a water to drink and she said that's natural for us to sometimes feel sad there's nothing wrong with it.

"Yeah, I guess I have never been far from home for a long time, hopefully I will adjust to my new environment " I said taking a sip of the cold water.

Mariah then showed me round the dorm and told me how things works like the laundry room and  vending machines and all stuffs. I fell in love with my new environment even though I was going to be far from home.

Later that night, I called my mom and we talked for a while knowing she was a busy bee but she said that she will never be busy for me and that's what I love and treasure about her.

"Mom are you busy?" I asked as i heard noises from background.

"No dear, just had a patient who was brought in because she had a minor injury tell me how are you doing there?" She asked.

"Am doing great just that I miss seeing your face" I complained.

"Oh baby, you know we were together few hours ago ,did you miss me?"she teased.

"Of course I miss you who else would I miss ?" I asked.

"Right...., all right babe, duty call, I have a surgery to do so call me anytime ok, love you good night " she said.

"Good night mom, kisses" I said then hung up.

I was about to sleep when I heard my phone beep and i looked at it. It was a text from her:"don't forget to set an alarm remember I'm not there to pull you out of bed, try to be an early bird don't miss your classes. Love you" she sent an emoji with a big heart. I smiled at the phone.

I set the alarm on my phone, then I read the text once again. I sent her the same emoji and then kissed the screen of my phone then I slept.

The next thing I see is am standing in a room surrounded by candles, on the floor there were petals of roses spread everywhere. Then I saw a male figure.

He came close to me, I couldn't see him clearly because the room was dark but I could tell by his voice. He touched my face and the next thing I hear is someone waking me up.

"Who is the guy?" I asked myself when I opened my eyes...