Chapter 20 - The Breach

Moments earlier, the enforcers had assembled on the very high hill just outside of the city, waiting for Drey's signal, all excited to see the sign that would permit them to unleash the full extent of their abilities while having fun doing it.

They were all fabled men—humans gifted with the ability to manifest the power of legendary gods and monsters through their physical forms.

Some simply defined them as "the spirits of gods and monsters manifested through a human body."

These abilities were approved and granted to them by the supreme emperor, the ruler of the vast empire, and the Mayor Supreme of the Capital City (except for Enji and Genta, whose powers were in them from conception due to the mysterious contract their parents had with a god of alchemy).

Their abilities were made possible by the inputting and confinement of celestial spirits of gods and monsters that had been preserved for generations by Supreme Mages from the previous centuries.

No human being could handle the full power of a celestial spirit due to the fragility of human flesh, so a seal was placed on each of them to limit the amount of power utilized to the reasonable doses their bodies could endure.

The seal also served another purpose, which was to maintain control, as the seal could be deactivated, thereby putting the life of the person at risk of being consumed by the immense power of the fable from the inside out, killing both the person and the celestial spirit within (this is because the person and the spirit became one when the celestial spirit was given and confined in the body).

The Enforcers initiative was proposed to the Emperor by General Senju Hiroshima as a means of forcefully spreading the power of the Empire with easily expendable human weapons, instead of tapping from the limited resources of the official military.

Judging from their previous successful conquests, it was a good idea both in thought and practice. Each of them had a celestial spirit from which they drew power on command.

Drey Matsumoto was given the Tenjin Celestial Spirit, giving him the ability to control the weather and generate an almost endless supply of lightning bolts on command, as well as to become one with it in substance and ability, greatly increasing his speed and agility.

Izuku was given the Jinro celestial spirit, giving him the heightened senses of the wolf along with increased strength and speed.

Yuri Orihime was given the Umihebi, which gave him the tremendous strength and agility of the fabled sea serpent.

Urahara Yamashiro was given the Celestial Chimera, a powerful spirit that had no form of its own but thrived by taking on limited simulations of other fables, giving her a myriad of abilities depending on the type of physical transformation she undergoes or manifests.

Akira Kazumi was given the power of the behemoth, giving him great strength, speed, and agility.

Tobirama Hayato was gifted with the Tenryu, a heavenly dragon that gave him the ability to generate fire on command. And just like Drey, he also had the power to become one with it, sharing the properties that not only set him on fire but also made him weightless and without density (becoming one in substance with the fire itself).

Enji and Genta were gifted with the Kami no me, commonly known as the "Eyes of God"—a spiritual set of eyes that only manifested through the combined energies of the twins. Upon manifestation, the godlike eyes had near-omnipresent abilities, along with the near-omnipotent ability to cause planetary devastations such as earthquakes, meteoric hailstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes.

One could joke that the celestial spirit that was given to them by the god of alchemy had made up for their missing eyes through the "Kami no me"—"Eyes of God"—in such a devastating yet spectacular fashion. It was because of this that Drey often advised them to look at their defect as a blessing, given the power their parents gave them in exchange for their normal eyes.

In a moment, the signal was given. It was a quick and sudden change in the weather, followed by multiple streams of lightning pouring from the sky into the city.

They knew among themselves that the only person or thing capable of pulling that off was their Master Drey.

This was the signal they had been waiting for. In a split second, they all ran with full speed, coming down the hill to take down the Langford kingdom.


Currently inside the city, Mia was running as fast as she could, having a bad feeling that her friends were indeed in trouble.

She did not know what it was exactly or why she had to be there, but given the fact that both Zaraki and Drey advised her to do so (people she disliked at varying degrees), she felt the necessity to obey.

While this was happening, Akira was getting ready to take down the walls, as he had what it took to do so.

He ran with full speed, aiming to crush down the wall with his fist with all the strength he had, and he did so, causing a large chunk of the wall to crumble enough to form a large breach that would allow them in very easily.

As he was about to run forward, Urahara held him by the shoulder and said to him, "

"If you go in with force like this, then the commotion would drive your attention away from the person you came here for."

Akira widened his eyes,

"You know?"

Urahara arched a brow,

"Gee,... Akira! Everybody knows! Now go get your woman. "I and Tobirama will take care of the city's defenses!"

Akira nodded, donning his cloak and running into the now panicking streets, heading for the dormitories to fetch his love.

"Thank you," he said as he left.

Urahara and Tobirama came through the now-crumbling section of the wall and looked around, seeing people running in fear for their lives.

Amid the mayhem, soldiers emerged, coming forward armed with swords and clubs and dressed in silver armor.

"Surrender now, intruders!" yelled out one of them.

Impulsively, Tobirama lit himself on fire and, after a brief warning to his comrades, breathed fire on them, setting all the soldiers assembled against them in flames.

The smell and sight of burning flesh halted the other approaching soldiers in their tracks, knowing that fighting against these intruders guaranteed death. 

"You just couldn't hold it in, could you?" She asked, "But, alright, Tobi, are you ready to cut loose?"

"You know I'm ready!" replied Tobirama in excitement.