Chapter 27 - Izuku's Final Moments

Yuri and Izuku kept watching over the twins on the hill right outside the city when one of them noticed something strange.

"Yuri?" called Izuku...


"Did you feel that?"

"Feel what?" he asked.

"The tremor? Now don't tell me you failed to notice it!

Now that Yuri could not take it anymore,

"What is up with you?" "A city covering several miles of land is getting bombarded with meteors and three powerful fabled men are unleashing their full strength right before us, and you think it's unusual to experience little tremors on a hill right outside the city?" he asked.

"What is wrong with you this time, Izuku?" Normally you would be the enthusiastic one who is always eager to cut enemies down with the sword, but now you are being the exact opposite. "What has gotten into you?"

Izuku realized he was right—he was not his usual self. So he took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"You know what? Maybe you are right, Izuku. "Perhaps I'm overthinking this conquest."

"You sure are!" replied Yuri.

"I think it's because I'm just bored." On all of our previous conquests, I have always been assigned to the forefront, but now, for some reason, Master Drey put me on guard duty for the entire duration of the operation. "You are the one who always gets assigned for this kind of stuff. How exactly do you do this idle work all the time without losing your sanity?"

Yuri laughed hysterically at his question, failing to maintain his composure.

"Hey, did I say something funny?" asked Izuku, now getting offended.

"Sorry, sorry," he said, trying to end his laughter, "it's just that I get it now."

"Huh?" he said, surprised, causing Yuri to burst out laughing again.

"Hey!" Izuku called out, noticing something off.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... "I didn't mean to provoke you; it was just so funny," Yuri said, now ending his laughter.

"No,...No, Yuri, you don't understand. I mean, "Look at that!" he said, pointing at the city.

"Look at what?" he asked, not yet noticing what his comrade had noticed.

"Someone is coming!" said Enji and Genta in unison, panicking. The immediate feeling of fear in the minds of the twins caused the eyes of the Kami No Me to dim quite a bit, briefly halting the fall of meteors from the sky.

Yuri's eyes widened as she saw the person approaching; he was flying towards them at a high velocity.

"Damn it! We have been spotted! "We have to run for cover!" Yuri said it urgently.

"You three bastards can 'run for cover' if you want. "But as for me, my mind has been racing for a fight, and now that I have been granted one, I am not backing out," he said, unsheathing his long sword.

As fast as he could, Yuri grabbed the twins and ran with them as fast as their legs could allow.

The flying man swiftly landed on the hill by the time he got close enough, cracking the hard surface upon impact. He looked around but could not find the children he was told to kill.

Then he stood upright, facing Izuku with a calm demeanor that pissed him off. He wore a heavy leather cloak with a strange symbol crested on it.

"Where are the children who summoned the Devil's Gaze?" he asked politely, angering Izuku even more, but he kept his cool.

"Devil's Gaze? For starters, it's called the "Kami No Me"—as in, the "Eyes of God"! "So next time you are on a mission, at least get your facts straight, you scumbag," he said, pointing his sword at him.

"I am not repeating myself," he said sternly, ignoring Izuku's childish response.

"Okay, how about you fight me first, and then if you manage to kill me, then I will tell you—in your dreams!" answered Izuku right before swiftly running to attack him with his sword.

"That rude answer will cost you your life," replied the man before effortlessly dodging all of Izuku's sword attacks like a martial arts master sparring with his disciple.

After several failed attempts to cut down the stranger, Izuku was pushed several feet back by a sharp rush of wind that came with the swing of his fist.

He managed to get up on time,

"Air Manipulation?" he asked in disbelief, "Are you also a fabled man?"

The man simply ignored his question and pointed his hand at him before flicking his middle finger towards Izuku.

That gesture sent a sharp blade of wind right at him, and it tore right through Izuku's body, forming a visible hole in his shoulder with blood pouring out from the backside.

He shrieked out in pain and knelt in agony. The bleeding was so severe that it got his clothes soaked in a matter of seconds.

The man came closer, still pointing his hand at him, ready to flick another finger to land another fatal blow.

"You better start talking!" he said.

"Screw you!" Izuku said in response as he unleashed the Jinro celestial spirit within him, causing him to start transforming into the werewolf. But right in the middle of the transformation, the man sent another fatally sharp blade of wind at him, and this time it tore right through his chest.

This fatal hit stopped the transformation and caused the partially transformed Izuku to fall flat on his back in a pool of his blood, pale and comatose but still alive.

The man sighed, coming close to where he was,

"You must have been a fool to think I would let you transform into your celestial form in the middle of a battle." But as a gesture of goodwill, I will let you know the name of the one who will now end your life and then answer your question.

Izuku looked right at him, unable to say a word. The pain was unbearable—so much so that if he had the strength to say anything, it would be to put himself out of his misery.

"My name is Lin Soha, and no, I am not a fableman like yourself," he said as he flicked his finger, sending the sharp wind blade through Izuku's skull, giving the final killing blow.

"Unlike you fable-bastards, I worked hard to get the powers I possess," he said as he walked away, leaving Izuku's corpse behind to find the children.

Yuri's final thought was...

"What a miserable way to die...