Chapter 44 - End of the Enforcers (3)

"They're taking too much time!" Major Ena whined as the Lieutenant tended to her wounds.

She was now stripped of her armor, wearing only a loincloth and a piece of clothing that ran across her chest.

They both sat on a huge rock along the road, which seemed fit for sitting as they were comfortable on it.

The Lieutenant had taken quite a while to cover up her wounds to prevent further bleeding, but the Major was getting impatient and couldn't help fidgeting.

"Please hold still; if your opponent had the same sword as you, he could have cut you in half on that final strike!" She said as she finished wrapping the bandages,

"Now try not to move too much, Major, or your wounds will reopen," she instructed.

After Lieutenant Ena had finished tending to her wounds, she examined herself and was not amused by it.

"Was all this bandaging necessary, Mira?" "I look like a corpse!" she complained.