Chapter 55 - Seeds of Doubt

Lin Soha, Mu Lei, and Tang Fei all came back into the castle from the long feast that was held in their honor. It was fun and merry while it lasted, but now they were tired and having headaches, and two of them were slightly drunk (Lin Soha and Mu Lei).

Tang Fei made the wise choice of not taking too much wine, knowing how much he could handle, whereas the other two drank as much as they wanted and were now reaping the consequences.

They got into their quarters, and instead of Mu Lei going to her private quarters on the other side, she instead went with Lin Soha, who was helping her stand by the shoulder. She was a mess, and Lin Soha feared she would end up hurting herself if she went alone to her room.

Thinking the same thing, Tang Fei urged Lin Soha to take Mu Lei to her quarters and send her to bed before coming to their room. He agreed and went on to do so, sending the drunk lady to her room while Tang Fei headed to theirs.