Chapter 80 - A Divided Squad

"So, both our squads will be meeting at the royal garden for a private meeting with the Princess to discuss what would be done with regards to the mission," Zaraki said to them.

"The royal garden?" Jin asked. "Why would we be meeting there?" It felt unusual for the Princess to arrange a meeting with them at the King's Garden instead of simply briefing them right before the start of the mission.

"It was the princess's idea, not mine," Zaraki clarified. He had worked with the princess before and was familiar with her casual, unorthodox method of doing things, so he said to Jin and the rest of them, "I am telling you from experience—better get used to the difference...

"I see," Jin remarked with a hand on his chin.

"Any more questions?" asked Zaraki, and nobody said a word.

"Very well, then, we shall be meeting at the Royal Garden tomorrow morning. "Have a good night's rest," he said as he turned to leave.