Chapter 82 - Striving For Closure

Jin and the rest of the squad walked up the suburban streets of the Capital City, heading for the gate of the King's Palace to rendezvous with Zaraki's squad and the Princess.

They were not late at the moment, as it was just two o'clock in the afternoon. So they did not make haste but walked casually as they headed for the king's gate as arranged.

They all walked along the broad and busy road, filled with merchants and dealers, buyers and sellers, and several other busy people. It was lively and noisy, so active that it was hard to believe a catastrophic invasion had just occurred not too long ago.

Given the recent circumstances surrounding the current state of the squad, Mia had barely talked to anyone, as nobody had endeavored to talk to her. The present squad merely walked together out of formality and not because they wanted to do so.