Chapter 99 - Jin Forgives Mia

The death of the rebel leader, Yada Yamada, did a lot to squander the morale of the rest of the rebels, giving the Sargans the upper hand in the fight almost immediately.

But it was not an easy fight, as the Sargans were not trained nor experienced fighters like the Rebels were, and it took a lot of effort to have an equal hand on the battlefield.

It was only Zaraki and the rest of the operatives that were able to detect the drop in morale of the rebels and used that to their advantage in the fight given their superior level of experience in combat.

Thanks to that, the Sargan army soon got the upper hand; in a matter of minutes, the battle was won, and the rebels who had lost their will to fight without their leader surrendered, leading to a loud shout of victory in the end for the Sargans.

Maria looked back to see Son Yeon laughing in ecstasy when she realized that the Sargan had just stood victorious against the rebels.