Chapter 110 - A New Fableman; A Restored Enforcer

Nobuharu managed to brace himself in the air without falling to the ground and remained floating where he was. He covered his eyes from the very bright light that encapsulated the area, as he didn't want to turn blind again. 

Drey was now immersed in a great light, which, upon dissipation, revealed him looking up at Nobuharu angrily. His body glowed brilliantly, and sparks of lightning struck out from his arms, eyes, and feet.

"Excellent work, Drey...," Nobuharu said, sheathing his sword, "you have brought forth your abilities, just as I believed you could."

Drey remained silent, looking at Nobuharu with a frowning face.

"Come on, Drey," Nobuharu sighed, "don't take this personally; it was just an experiment." "In case you haven't noticed, I've put my sword away, so I'm not interested in fighting you."

Amid everything Nobuharu had just said, Dry stretched out his hand at him, sending forth streams of lightning.