Chapter 113 - An Old Hag's Resolve

When the large crow got close enough to them, it remained airborne, flapping its large wings, causing a strong breeze to blow past them with every movement.

From its talons, it dropped a stroll right before them, and without making a sound, it took off back to the sky immediately while Drey and Murasaki stood frozen in awe.

Even some of the villagers looked in awe at the beast before them, wondering what it was that had come to their vicinity. They also took note of Nobuharu and Drey, wondering what was going on. 

Because of this, Nobuharu did not want it to stay for long, as it was attracting unwanted attention towards them. 

Nobuharu picked up the scroll and opened it, reading its content immediately.

Drey decided to ignore what just happened, the same way Nobuharu behaved casually despite it, and asked, "What does the scroll say?"