Chapter 122 - Summoning An Army Of Living Corpses

At about that time, on an open carriage stood Nobuharu, Kohana, and Drey. The carriage was moved by six horses, given its very large size. They were starting to get a glimpse of the Langford Kingdom from afar and were delighted to see the city come into view, as the wastelands were not a nice place to travel in, especially with animals that were not camels.

Another carriage, but bigger, was beside them, and it housed Emperor Magus himself, along with his military officials—General Senju, Major Ena, Lieutenant Mira, and a strange fellow whom the king chose to stand by his side throughout the process. While this was happening, several centuries of soldiers marched in groups, each led by a centurion. Each centuria consisted of about a hundred soldiers, and there were about 30 centuria in total, giving a compilation of over 3000 men.