Chapter 150 - The Death Of Nobuharu

While Maria was still staring at the far horizon, Jin got her attention back by holding her hand firmly. "What happened, Maria?" he asked her.

"There's nothing to be worried about...," Maria assured him, "now come on, let's go."

Before they had reached the old side of the mountain, General Senju, who had witnessed all of this from start to finish, felt stuck between a rock and a hard place.

His mission was to join Nobuharu and Kohana to bring the Langford Queen alive and also to find out more about Nobuharu and his supposed party of accomplices for the Emperor. 

Magus did not trust Nobuharu, which is why he sent Senju to go with them. That is also why he brought up the proposal of swapping comrades to strengthen their trust in each other, when actually it was so he could get more information on Nobuharu and his followers.