Chapter 155 - Things Have Changed

Drey Matsumoto and Magus Wormwood sat in the Emperor's tent that night, with dinner served before them. The former Senator, Daisuke, was also present at the table, eating to his satisfaction, while Drey sat there, with his food untouched, even though over ten minutes had passed since it was set before him.

Magus looked at him and arched a brow. "You haven't had anything to eat throughout today..." he said to Drey, "and I can't have that."

Drey looked at the Emperor and then back into the blank space without uttering a word.

"Do you think you are the only one curious about what is happening in the wastelands right now?" ...", asked Magus as he gulped in a full cup of mead, "...You think I am not curious as well?"

Then he got sidetracked by the taste of the beverage: "Wow, that native mead of the Langfords is truly something to behold..." he said, before looking back at Drey, who had not touched his food.