Chapter 175 - I'm With Child

They all remained on the beach, trying their best to make sure all the resources required for their survival went around. Luckily, it did, and they would be able to survive another day. Now it was nighttime, and they needed a way to keep themselves warm. With the permission of the captain, the crewmen brought forth splinters of the shattered parts of the ship to use for a campfire.

They also inquired if any edible parts of the black hyrax were available. The Captain had to leave the control room to check it out with them, as the people needed more than the meager resources they had right now, and it would be a waste if they just allowed it all to rot and go to waste if edible.

So they went on and discovered that its muscle structure was mostly the same as that of a regular, edible snake. So they decided they would have it for supper that night, to everyone's delight, as the little rations they had were only enough to keep them alive and not satisfy their hunger.