Chapter 179 - Taken Into Custody

Gradually, the people were taken into the prison cells by the soldiers. They were not to be taken to the same cells as the other common criminals, but to the ones with people who were awaiting a fair trial. Among the people in such cells were those who were not yet sentenced, including those of both the lower and middle classes.

Apart from the prison bars barricading the entrances, they looked like empty rooms housing regular people, not criminals. 

Thanks to Maria's pleas, the pirates, regardless of their bad reputation, were also taken to the same cells as the Langford citizens. 

Among everyone taken to those cells, the Queen was the last. As the guard came from behind to take her away, she bowed in respect to Lucius and the others present there, "Please treat my people fairly, and make sure the scroll gets to the Empress, I beg you," she pleaded.