Chapter 181 - Awaiting Freedom

It was about 6 a.m. that morning, and though it was still dark, several of the town's residents had gotten up from sleep, preparing for their daily trades. 

At the inn rented by the official duo, Lucius had already gotten out of bed and had begun strapping on his kimono after taking a quick bath. He looked down, beside where he lay to sleep, and was quite annoyed to see his subordinate, Claudius, still sleeping nonchalantly. 

"Claudius! You better get off that bed before I lose my temper!...", he said to the young captain, "Damn, Commander, what's the big deal?" "I just barely got to sleep." 

"It is not my fault that you spent the few free hours of the night making out with prostitutes and getting drunk when you were supposed to sleep," the Commander said as he picked up the Captain's sword and kimono and threw them at him. "Now get up! "The world will not stop functioning just because you've taken several steps backward."