Chapter 183 - A Meeting of Queens

Maria was now fully dressed, ready for her impromptu yet formal meeting with the Empress. Given all the preparations that have culminated in the current moment, it was almost nerve-wracking. That was until she reminded herself that, though it was a meeting between her and her Majesty, the Empress would not be the only supreme ruler present.

This was not just a privileged meeting between a supreme monarch and an average person; it was a meeting of rulers, a meeting of queens.

She was led by Gloria into the same hall, up a long staircase that spiraled upward for so long that her feet began to ache. In a few minutes, they had gotten to the floor where the Empress' throneroom was. Maria looked in awe at the great paintings that adorned the walls and at how clean each of the structures was. As it was still morning, she could still smell the lingering fragrance of soap from the surfaces of the adornments.