Finding a partner

Without waiting for Chales he sat in his car and went somewhere and behind Chales was putting a disgusted face and said to himself"Eri! You can't escape from me. l would find out the reason for your smile soon and let that thing enter in your life to change you." He smiled to himself after saying this thing.

Matilda saw him smiling this much. She said"Have you used your toothpaste fully today? How your teeth are shining this much while smiling." Chales starred at her and said, "Joke aside, l was laughing this much as after ten years l saw my friend smiling."Matilda said "Who is that creature? If he is from our college tell him to meet Aylin as she can only know how to be serious all the time but from 10 years l have not seen her laughing freely how she used to laugh.l just forgot my Chubby Aylin and l know she is smiling sometimes in front of everyone but she is very sad from inside.

l also never said anything to her but l know she is alone from inside". Chales said "She is just like Erick but the difference is that Aylin smiles in front of everyone but Eri doesn't. They both are lost inside their life but l wish they both can find happiness ". Matilda also said, "l also wish that."Chales said," Leave it aside l wanna ask that Matilda, Will you be my partner in the prom?"Matilda said"Ok but we need to practice dance as we are not pro dancers like Aylin ." Chales said" Yes! ofc we need to as Eri also dance very well." Matilda said, "Oh Really?" Chales smiled and replied "Yes". They went inside the college building.

On the other side, Erick was thinking something. After Aylin came from the park leaving Erick there Aylin was thinking about what she said just now to Erick and started smiling herself. She went inside the library there she met James who was busy looking at someone. She said"l knew that you will be here finding useless things. I am studying don't disturb me otherwise be ready to get beaten by me." James said, " l am not here for you but came to find a partner for my prom. Vampire." After listening to this Aylin said, "Who is she ?" He pointed towards the table in the library. She was wearing a gloomy dress with shoes. She said"Nice! Carry on l am going for studying." A

After saying this she went towards a table and sat there and James carry on with his mission.