You have changed

Matilda went towards Aylin's room. She knocked on the door but no one replied and it was closed. She said to herself " Maybe she would be sleeping."She went towards her room. Aylin was sitting in the corner of the bed ruminating what all happened today. She was baffling from all sides. Thinking how Erick treated her today and How Sam directly proposed to her. She said to herself "l am so done with myself these days that l almost forgot about Mr mysterious."

She took out her phone and called someone an old but heavy voice came "Hello! Miss."

She said" Did you find anything about him? " He said," Miss sorry to say but we are not able to find him as you have only given us a keychain and a sketch to find that person. We are looking for him". She said"I can understand but find him at any cost or you know what l can do." She said these words and cut the call. She muttered to herself"Mr mysterious, l will find you for sure. You can't hide from me." She said these words and went asleep.

Erick also changed his clothes. Chales also came to his house for sleeping today. Chales knocked on his room and Erick opened it. Chales said" Eri! How is Aylin?" Erick said" How would l know?." Chales said "Don't lie. l know you went behind her to comfort her. Eri l have neither saw you so concerned about any girl before nor saw you being so stubborn to yourself due to others." Erick said " l am not doing it for that girl but you know how Sam is. He has played with many girls." Chales said"Do l look a fool to you. huh! You also know that Aylin is not that kind of girl who can be attracted by any handsome dumb fellow. So don't try to escape."

Erick said" I am feeling sleepy bye" and he locked his gate. Chales said"l am a fool thinking too much." He also went back to sleep. Erick sat on his chair thinking what Chales said now. He said to himself"

l am not concerned about that girl." He went back to sleep inside his bed.